For My Girls


(Jodi’s life advice for her daughters.)

You can buy fashion, but not style. Style is your own. Go with yours.
Listen to your inner voice, especially when you need downtime. Stay home sometimes. Do nothing. You don’t owe anyone explanations for what YOU choose to do with your time.
It is 100% okay to NOT have your life figured out. NO ONE has it figured out. So, make plans, yes. But don’t be so rigid you can’t roll with them changing.
Dress up a little more than expected for most occasions.
You won’t click with everyone. You’re not supposed to.
Take care of your skin. You can buy makeup anywhere – but spend money on skincare.
When you walk into a room, see how you feel about everyone in it — don’t wait to see how they feel about you.
Don’t let anyone take your power.
Be teachable. Be coachable.
Travel anytime you get the chance.

**Honorable mention: Charge your phone. Please.

For My Girls